Union square Best Buy plagued with protestors accusing it of undermining workers


District Council 9 Painters and Allied Trades AFL-CIO staged a rally in front of the Union Square Best Buy this week.

In hiring Schimenti Construction company, they allege that Best Buy Stores is killing the ability of hard-working New Yorkers to provide for their families.

Specifically, the union accuses Schimenti Construction of subcontracting with Nevco Contracting, which allegedly is not providing the drywall tapers at 171 West 230th Street in the Bronx with area standard wages and benefits established by District Council 9 Painters and Allied Trades AFL-CIO.

The union urges the public to call and voice concerns to the following parties:

Best Buy Stores 612-812-8019

Schimenti Construction 914-244-9100

Nevco Contracting 914-457-7403

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